Understanding Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety Trends in the Post-Pandemic Era
Project Description
The project aims to analyze trends in pedestrian and bicyclist crashes and deaths in the post-pandemic era and investigate the underlying factors that contribute to these trends. The study will examine the changes in crash rates during different phases of the pandemic, considering variations in vehicle-miles traveled and commuting patterns. Factors such as infrastructure, road usage patterns, and transportation mode preferences will be studied to understand their influence on pedestrian and bicyclist safety. Additionally, the project will integrate census tract-level transportation disadvantage indicators with crash data to explore the relationship between disadvantaged communities and crash trends, addressing equity concerns. The insights gained from this research will inform evidence-based interventions and strategies to enhance pedestrian and bicyclist safety. By identifying the key factors contributing to the observed trends, policymakers and transportation agencies can develop targeted measures to mitigate risks and improve safety for pedestrians and bicyclists in the post-pandemic era.
1. Research Paper on pedestrian and bicyclist crash trends in the post-pandemic era, providing insights into safety factors and variations in crash rates.
2. Data Analysis Framework integrating crash data, vehicle-miles traveled, and transportation mode preference data for future safety studies.
3. Equity Analysis Tools combining census tract-level indicators with crash data to address safety concerns in disadvantaged communities.
4. Evidence-based Interventions and Policy Recommendations to enhance pedestrian and bicyclist safety.
1. Improved Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety through targeted interventions and infrastructure improvements.
2. Evidence-Based Policy Decisions leading to data-driven safety measures.
3. Enhanced Equity Considerations with focused safety resources for underserved areas.
4. Positive Influence on Urban Planning for pedestrian and cyclist-friendly cities.
5. Cost Savings from reduced crashes, injuries, and fatalities.
06/01/2023 to 05/31/2024
University of California Berkeley
Principal Investigator
SangHyouk Oum
University of California Berkeley
ORCID: 0000-0002-5723-7397
Julia Griswold
University of California Berkeley
ORCID: 0000-0002-1125-3316
Iman Mahdinia
University of California Berkeley
ORCID: 0000-0003-1199-7398
Research Project Funding
Federal: $133,324
Non-Federal: $0
Contract Number
Project Number
Research Priority
Promoting Safety